Feminine LA
She is a Los Angeles based painter, primarily working with oils and watercolors, and creates stop motion animations in her spare time. Her paintings are of natural encounters, from new relationships to fading memories, and composed in a style based in a different world. She creates large, narrative oil paintings to focus on how it feels to move around these foreign spaces, with moving elements to suggest the ongoing changes in her surroundings. For her, painting is problem solving, and a painting is solved when it becomes its own world full of concerns relatable to ours.
She received her BFA in Painting at Arizona State University, and began showing work in Scottsdale's ArtOne Gallery and MonOrchid in Phoenix. She moved to Los Angeles to begin working on animating a hand painted, watercolor video game with writer, Alyssa Lobit, and producer, Bill Burke. The game features two lead characters traveling through a surrealistic world, generating water sources for their people during a drought. She also collaborated with art director Kii Arens on concert posters for FKA Twigs and Wolf Alice. She painted a large scale Fruit piece for film director Nick Cassavetes, and assistant painted Drew Carey's Mini Cooper. After managing over a hundred musician lockout studios on Hollywood Boulevard, Burke is spending time in Forest Falls to continue her oil narratives, fresh with a glimpse past Hollywood's facade.