Egor Plotnikov
Egor Plotnikov was born in Kirov (Russia) in 1980.
Plotnikov’s works are in private collections inside and outside Russia, including the Russian Culture Fund collection, the Moscow Union of Artists collection, the collection of Russian Academy of Arts, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the Aksenov Foundation, “Art-Finance” and Russian regional art museums.
Egor Plotnikov works in the area of figurative painting and sculpture. Paintings and sculpture objects are presented often as combined installations.
Plotnikov researched the theme of real landscape as a social area and painting landscape, the «museum» genre being at the periphery of the contemporary cultural context. Plotnikov paints canvases wastes, edges, and front-end areas which are located at the limits of human habitation and wild nature, and moves the personage of painting, sculpture of viewer, out the edges of the picture. A work of art starts to view itself. Big paintings are shrunk to small insignificant landscape fragments and personage sculpture starts to hide from the viewer. Empty walls/canvas/sheets of paper and space in the exhibition hall become a communication field and an important part of a work of art.
In the contemporary period of crisis when codes are broken and conventions don’t work most important thing is to become a problem of adequacy of pure vision. The artist asks about is it possible today the immediately directly contact the viewer with art and a person with real space.
“Inner Flights” (jointly with Egor Plotnikov), art gallery of Abrau-Durso
Exposition of Kultproekt Gallery in 1703 Art Fair, Manege, Saint-Petersburg;
“Tel endroit, tel moment”, Galerie de l’Est, Compiegne, France.
COSMOSCOW, Kultproekt exposition, Moscow;
“Thinking landscape”, Museum of Moscow;
“Retour”, Galerie de l’est, Compiegne, France;
Exposition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Moscow Union of Artists, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;
“It will be tender rain”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
Exposition of Kultproekt Gallery in 1703 Art Fair, Manege, Saint-Petersburg.
“Landscape residuary back”, School of contemporary art, Moscow;
“Sky by Shishkov”, Kuznetsky Most, Moscow;
“Give Kuzbass”, Tretyakov State Gallery, Moscow;
“Contemporary. Beginning”, MMOMA, Moscow;
“Evident movements”, DK Gromov, Saint-Petersburg;
“Landscape in sculpture, sculpture in landscape”, State Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg;
“Slipped-off reality”, exposition of Kultproekt Gallery, Cube.Moscow, Moscow;
COSMOSCOW 2021, Central Manege, Moscow;
Exposition of nominees for II Moscow Art Prize, Media Center of Zaryadye Park, Moscow;
“New Russian landscape”, the main project of I Yaroslavl’s Biennale, the center of contemporary art “House of Muses”, Yaroslavl;
“Subtractions”, solo exhibition, FUTURO Gallery, Nizhny Novgorod;
“Great perspectives”, solo exhibition, curator Natasha Pankina, MMOMA, Moscow;
“New beautiful exhibition”, Media Center of Zaryadye Park, Moscow;
“Postcards from artists”, Ekaterina Foundation, Moscow;
“Landscapes – cultural phenomenons…”, exposition of Kultproekt Gallery, Cube.Moscow, Moscow.
“Postcards from artists”, VP Studio Gallery, Moscow;
“What’s going on in the whole world? It’s just a winter…”, ART STORY Gallery, Moscow;
“The city is malfunctioning”, KOVCHEG Gallery, Moscow;
“On paper”, Kuznetsky Most, 20, Moscow;
“Pause for 15 minutes. Part 2”, Triumph Gallery jointly All-Russian Decorative Art Museum, Moscow;
“Bird concert”, Tsaritsyno Museum, Moscow;
“Egor Plotnikov. Evgeniya Buravleva. Inner flights”, exposition of Kultproekt Gallery, Cube.Moscow, Moscow;
“Print it!”, KOVCHEG Gallery, Moscow;
“Nostalgia for present”, ARTPLAY, Moscow;
“Instead of the picture”, Overcoat Gallery, COSMOSCOW, Moscow;
“Man in the city”, Kuznetsky Most, 11, Moscow;
“Inner Flights” (jointly with Evgeniya Buravleva), a boost of Galerie de l’Est, CADAF ONLINE, USA.
“Postcards from artists”, VP Studio Gallery jointly with CUBE MOSCOW, Moscow;
“Landscape with strange 2.0”, Red Bridge Gallery, Vologda;
Main project VIII Moscow International Biennale of contemporary art “Orienteering and positioning”, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;
“Paysage derrière soi”, Galerie de l’Est, Compiegne, France;
“Egor Plotnikov. Evgeniya Buravleva. Painting. Sculpture”, Kultproekt Gallery exposition, COSMOSCOW, Moscow;
“The ethics of the dust”, cultural center “Fifth floor”, Kirov;
“The faces of landscape”, Belyaevo Gallery, Moscow;
“It’s possible we’d never meet”, Izmailovo Gallery, Moscow;
“Knead, split, found, cast”, museum “Integration” named by Ostrovsky, Moscow;
“The important persons”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“Landscape with strange”, Erarta Museum, Saint-Petersburg;
“Egor Plotnikov. Evgeniya Buravleva. Painting. Sculpture”, Kultproekt Gallery exposition, space CUBE.MOSCOW, Moscow;
“Taymyr. The genius of the place”, All-Russian Decorative Art Museum, Moscow;
“The minute before awakening”, the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art of the State Arts Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan;
“Metageography – images of space in the epoch of globalization”, Pro Art’s Gallery, Kaluga;
“Eight meetings with the beautiful”, Overcoat Gallery, art-show DA!MOSCOW, Moscow.
“Postcards from artists”, VP Studio Gallery jointly with Sotheby’s, Moscow;
SCOPE, exposition of Kultproekt Gallery, Miami;
“Empty space”, NCCA, Nizny Novgorod;
“Metageography: orientalism and dreams of Robinsons”, CCA, Vladivostok;
“Art has to belong to”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“Nineteen landscapes with satellite”, Open Club Gallery, Moscow;
“Along the edges”, Triumph Gallery, hall “The optics”, Moscow;
COSMOSCOW, Kultproekt exposition, Moscow;
“Warning! Children!”, Museum of Art of Saint Petersburg XX-XXI, Saint Petersburg;
“New library”, Museum of Art of Saint Petersburg XX-XXI, Saint Petersburg;
“The wall”, A3 Gallery, Moscow;
“Disciplinary spaces”, Erarta Museum, Saint Petersburg;
“Day of frozen black earth”, Book club-house, Voronezh.
“Space”, Triumph Gallery, Moscow;
“Phantom-knight”, Tsaritsyno Museum, Moscow;
“Genius of place. The continuation”, XXI century Gallery jointly Kultproekt Gallery, Moscow;
“Postcards from artists”, VP Studio Gallery jointly with State Museum of Architecture named by Schusev, Moscow;
“Roots”, (special project of 7 Moscow Biennale of contemporary art), State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow;
“Contexts of the environment: afterword”, Kultproekt, Moscow;
“Сhangeability. Penetration”, Kultproekt Gallery, Moscow;
“Chronicles of one traveling”, Zdes Gallery, Moscow;
“Go home”, Institute of Russian realist art, Moscow;
“South-west”, Gallery of House of artists, Vavilov’ street, 65, Moscow;
“Wind of time”, Scientific and Technical Museum named by I. P. Bardin, Novokuznetsk;
“Travelling”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow.
“Reviving play of Empress”, Tsaritsyno Museum, Moscow;
ARTMONACO’16, ARTSTORY Gallery exposition, Monaco;
“Extension of landscape”, A-3 Gallery, Moscow, Kostroma Gallery, Kostroma;
“Not far away from home”, A-3 Gallery, Moscow;
COSMOSCOW, Kultproekt exposition, Moscow;
“Insignificant”, personal exhibition, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, 10 Gogolevsky Boulevard, Moscow;
“Cramming”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“Somebody Else’s Idea / Citation”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“Five kilometers along the ocean”, personal exhibition, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“New optics of old world”, Futuro Gallery, Moscow;
“We stay on that”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“Rehabilitation”, Kultproekt, Moscow;
“ArtVilnus 2016”, Kovcheg Gallery exposition, Vilnius, Lithuania;
“Tradition and the present”, Artstory Gallery exposition, Cenrtal Manege, Moscow.
“Snow Falls”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“We’ll catch up with them and overtake them”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“The side effect”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
Auction MOST, Kovalenko museum of art, Krasnodar. Spring auction;
Personal exhibition “Untitled landscapes”, Stavropol Museum of Fine Arts;
“Metageography. Space-image-action” (special project of 6 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art), Tretyakov State Gallery, Moscow;
Auction MOST, Kovalenko museum of art, Krasnodar. Winter auction.
Personal exhibition “Accidental landscapes. Selfportrait”, Brown Stripe Gallery, Moscow;
“Landscape with disappearance”, Voronezh Center of Contemporary Art;
“Russian Roulette”, Erarta Gallery, New York;
“Everybody to the garden!”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“TIME FORWARD”, Central House of Artists, Moscow;
“First principle of dialectics” (jointly with Pavel Otdelnov), Open Club Gallery, Moscow;
“It is not clear”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“About children and animals”, ROSIZO, Moscow;
“Metageography”, Voronezh regional museum named by Ivan Kramskoi.
“Process”, Salon-2013, Central House of Artists, Moscow;
Personal exhibition “Room for Mother and Child”, Stavropol Museum of Fine Arts;
“Paris is never ended. Enter/exit”, Pokrovka Street, 37, Moscow;
“Stanzas. Moscow painting of new generation”, Erarta Museum, Saint-Petersburg;
Personal exhibition “Big Walk” (within the Parallel Programme of the 5th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art), Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“First quarter”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow.
“The Painting. Evgeniya Buravleva and Egor Plotnikov”, exhibition hall of publishing house “Russian Heritage”, Moscow;
Project “Directions”, Salon-2012, Central House of Artists, Moscow;
“English holidays”, (jointly with Evgeniya Buravleva and Alexei Blagovestnov), RUKIGOLOVA Gallery, Central House of Artists, Moscow;
“Combine. Retrospective” (jointly with Pavel Otdelnov), Heritage Gallery, Moscow;
“I am sorry, let me try one more time?”, Art.Ru Agency, Moscow;
ART.FAIR, Kovcheg Gallery exposition, Cologne, Germany.
“Between Object and Imagination” (within Parallel Programme of the 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art), Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
ART.FAIR, Kovcheg Gallery exposition, Cologne, Germany;
“The forms of life. Return to reality”, Tretyakov State Gallery, Moscow.
“The dialog. Pavel Nikonov and young artists”, Russian Academy of Arts;
“100 gifts to the museum”, the Vasnetsov’s Brothers Art Museum, Vyatka;
ART.FAIR, Kovcheg Gallery exposition, Cologne, Germany.
Personal exhibition “Spring will soon be here” (jointly with Evgenyia Buravleva), an exhibition hall in Starosadsky side-street, 5, Moscow;
“From sunset to sunrise”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow;
“Personal Acquaintance” (within the Parallel Programme of the 3rd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art), Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow.
Exhibition of the group “Non-topical art”, an exhibition hall in Kuznetsky Most Street, 20, Moscow;
“The present time”, Kovcheg Gallery, Moscow.