H.E.R. Summit

"Through innovative entrepreneurship, research, and motivational speaking, my passion and goals have are now wholly devoted towards improving the human condition through novel applications of science, technology, and education. I am driven to using these pillars as a foundation to safeguard the lives of individuals most vulnerable to become victims of human rights abuses, especially as it pertains to violence against women.
For until all women, children, and men are able to live freely without fear of the violation of their rights as human beings, there will always be those that need our help, always more that needs to be done, and this is precisely what keeps me moving forward."
Rajiv Uttamchandani

"We are so proud to collaborate with JM Art Management (@julia_mji) and Homme Gallery ( www.hommegallery.com ) in developing curricula to educate homeless youth in the arts.
At the H.E.R. Summit several of the most prominent paintings from Homme Gallery were displayed, decorating the halls of the Hyatt Regency Hotel where our Summit was held.
Thank you Julia and Jacob! We look forward to working with you."
Rajiv Uttamchandani

At H.E.R. summit:
We donate to nonprofits and help sustain small businesses that have proven impact in addressing key social issues.
We consult with businesses in establishing best-practices for social responsibility to effectively address core social issues through unique programs which complement their mission statement.
We organize monthly awareness campaigns to ensure our clients, volunteers, and youth obtain real grassroots level project experience.
We match potential volunteers to nonprofits and provide opportunities for socially responsible businesses to seek talented interns.
We give opportunities to schools to enroll in our partner organization, the International H.E.R. Club, and become agents of change in our society.
We invite the underprivileged to attend our Summit free-of-cost and learn about specific programs which benefit them.